Monday, March 16, 2009

Mental Time Off

Hi! Okay so its finally spring break, hooray!! I can finally have a little room to breathe before jumping into the chaos again. School is going well, but once again really hard and some disappoints are never avoided. But I am continually working and hopefully that will pay off in the long run. So apart from complaining about my difficult college life, the pony is doing well. I had the chiropractor come out and work on Sam. Well I wish I had done this sooner! He feels so different and wonderful, our dressage is stunning now! I am so proud of my pony : ) The chiropractor is the mother of my trainer and I trust her completely, she is well known in the area and is highly recommended. Anyhow she gave me a couple exercises:
  1. Do carrot stretches, between the front legs and side to side
  2. Do back leg muscle stretch, specific way of doing this
  3. Back lifts
  4. Shake the legs
  5. Massage butt muscles
So again I have homework, the list of things to do with this horse is growing! But I can definitely feel the difference and I love it! He just feels so smooth and I feel his mouth in my hands. He feels heavy and going with my hand. Its really amazing and I am so proud of in what we have accomplished. On another note, you ask hows the two point exercises going, well its painful! I do have to say that after doing it for a couple of days, its easier now and less painful! And Sam really likes it too, it gives him a chance to "just trot" and just enjoy the scenery. I am getting stronger and it feels great!

I visited one of my friends from my old farm this weekend and it was great seeing both her and her awesome horse! It is really a cute place and lots of room to gallop and have fun! I watched her ride in the field and jump some cross country fences. It was so relaxing to sit outside and just watch the fun the two were having. I loved it and they will be competing this fall, so it will be awesome to see the two in action : )

The weather today was dreary and the type where you only should stay in bed. However I somehow had the energy to do stuff today! I did some school work this morning, yes even if I am break I will still do work. Its like a disease, I can't get it out of mind and can't get rid of it. In the evening I went to the barn to ride the pony and it went beautifully! He was so good and loving to me, such a cutie today! Even it was drizzling a little I still went into one of the fields and trotted and walked around, it was really nice to be outside : ) Spring is here and summer is on its way!

It was so quiet in the barn today that when I rode Sam, each step he took, you could hear the sand shifting and the sound of the boots connecting with the sand. It was really cool, something you don't realize on a day to day basis. Just one of the small things that make me smile! I hope to take some pics of Sam this week since I am off and hope to post them! See you soon and I will leave you with my favorite quote: "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beat." G.K. Chesterton

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